how often should i change oxygen sensors in my 2006 pontiac montana sv6 it has 48365 miles on it
Car question?
Only if it fails...
Car question?
O2 Sensor? Probably NOT the problem.
People like to blame the O2 sensor for the problem because that's where the computer fault appears.
However, nine times out of ten, it's not faulty. It is simply reading a condition in the engine that is causing it to send a signal to the computer that there is a fault in the exhaust emissions mixture.
A fouled spark plug, loose spark plug wire, a vacuum leak, dirty injectors, EGR valve, weak fuel pump, dirty fuel filter, weak ignition coil, plugged air filter, on and on, can all cause the O2 sensor to register a fault code.
Before you yank the O2 sensor and replace it, check the basics first. Otherwise, you could have wasted time and money on the result, not the cause.
ADDED: should never need to replace it.
if the check engine light came on and you had a diagnostic done and it gave you a code that the o2 sensor is bad then change it
if anything goes wong with it the check engine light will come on .
till then dont worry about it