Thursday, October 6, 2011

Why does my 97 k1500 misfire and stall?

Sometimes it runs perfect,but then it will start to misfire and lose power until it stalls.But then after it sits for a minute it will start up and runs great like nothing was wrong.I have changed all 4 oxygen sensors,camshaft and crankshaft position sensors,cap,rotor,spark plugs and wires.Check engine light has never lit up,and have only recieved low voltage trouble codes for O2 sensors.
Why does my 97 k1500 misfire and stall?
Could be a defective fuel pump,vacuum leak in the engine compartment,vacuum hose leak,defective throttle position sensor,EGR valve sticking,Failing fuel injector,could have a poor COMPUTER ground or failing COMPUTER.You should have it checked out by a professional Tech.
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