I hit a deer just over a month ago with my 2003 ion I bought last October, after 4,000 worth of damage (thank god for insurance) for repairs with the deer damage I get in my car tonite and the check engine light is on so I take it straight to Auto Zone and they said it is the O2 sensor, the price they quoted me was 135.00 for the part, I am wondering if this is alot and if my dad can change it, he is pretty good with cars, replaces the brake pads, brakes, roters, oil things like that. Do you think he could do it if I would buy the part 1st of all or do you think I should just take it to a shop and have it done? Also, how long can I go with this sensor as is? I live 3 hours from my parents and feel more comfortable having someone there do the work seeing it's a small town garage. Thanks for all your help!!!
2003 Saturn Ion Oxygen Sensor prices and ease of replacing\changing?
2003 Saturn Ion Oxygen Sensor prices and ease of replacing\changing?
I bought a mass airflow senser for a Contour I had a couple years ago. I got a good one for like $75 from Auto Zone. Yours maybe more expensive because it's newer. On my contour, it was a piece of cake to change. Just make sure that once your dad changes it that you reset your computer. Take it to Auto Zone and they can do it for free. :) Much luck.