I went under the car tonight to change the sensor and i cant budge the thing out with a wrench its almost like its grew right into the cat converter!?
any idead on how to get that pos out of there? without ripping the whole muffler system out? lol
How to get out a oxygen downstream sensor in cat converter?
You could go to parts store or Sears %26amp; get an Oxygen Sensor wrench if you don't already have one. It gives you a better bite on the sensor without rounded the sensors edges. You can try that, if it won't budge, you may need t put it on a lift to get better access t it. Sometimes they won't come off without destroying the threads %26amp; in that case you will have to replace whatever it was screwed to.
How to get out a oxygen downstream sensor in cat converter?
spray it down with penetrating oil like pb blaster and get a socket designed to remove o2 sensors. it also helps if you let you car run for a couple minutes to heat it up first.
Torque wrench and an o2 sensor socket should do it.
spray penetrating oil on it
start the car, warm it up
spray penetrating fluid on it again, turn off car
take oxygen sensor socket-wrench-and breaker bar or long handle
break it loose,