my van is running with less power and it labors up hills. I'm guessing that this is due to the oxygen sensor going out. The service engine light stays on and flashes from time to time. Does a bad oxygen sensor sound like my problem? Also, where is the oxygen sensor located?
Is it difficult to change out the oxygen sensor on a 98 windstar?
Bad news.
You wish the O2 sensor was the main problem.
Time to take the van into a shop and have a professional diagnose and repair properly and save money at the same time.
Like we really want to see someone else (you) start swapping parts at random when the head gaskets on that Windstar engine are a notorious weak point and could be causing your misfire issues.
Is it difficult to change out the oxygen sensor on a 98 windstar?
first of all to answer your first question is it hard?yes and no.It screws into the exhaust pipe by the cadillac converter there are two of them.they screw into the pipe.if it been in there for 10 yrs there a good chance you'll strip it and have a exhaust leak.Before you waste your time changing things you think could be the problem.Have the computer show all the faults.Go to a auto parts store that does free checks like Auto Zone.This will tell you what is wrong.Also if you have not changed you air cleaner in over 10,000 miles or changed your plugs it maybe time.I have a 98 wind star.I would do the free stuff first.Then spend the money.I had a friend that replaced several thing before he got it right.Good Luck.
First off go to an Auto Zone and have them read the code for free. The O2 may or maynot be your problem. The O2 sensors are located in each exhaust manifold and before and after your converter.